Terms and Conditions

Ticket: named travel document with pre-established flight date with value in euro. Gift coupon: non-nominative ticket with a value in euros. By purchasing a ticket and/or gift coupon, the buyer accepts the "Terms and Conditions" of TorreNera ballon.

  1. The purchase and booking of the ticket or gift coupon can be made online on our website www.torreneraballoon.com, by e-mail or by telephone in the contact section.
  2. The buyer has the right to exercise the withdrawal within ten (10) days of the purchase of the ticket-coupon if the flight date has not been confirmed.
  3. The ticket is personal and in case of name change, please notify us by e-mail or by telephone. Messages left on the answering machine will not be considered for changes or cancellations. Before the flight, the new beneficiary must sign for acceptance before departure.

TorreNera balloon obligations towards its customers:

  1. The gift coupon entitles you to a balloon flight experience on a date to be agreed upon within two years of ticket purchase and includes the balloon flight, breakfast/toast after landing, transport with one of our off-road vehicles from the meeting place to the take-off place and then from the landing place to the meeting place and the aeronautical insurance provided for by current regulations. In the case of a special or customized flight, the rights will comply with the agreements made at the time of booking.
  2. The duration of a standard flight is approximately 45-60 minutes. However, for safety reasons, the pilot can, with absolute autonomy, decide the duration, the conduct of the flight, the moment and place of landing. For these reasons, TorreNera balloon cannot guarantee the standard conditions mentioned above, always respecting maximum comfort and the best possible flight conditions.
  3. The great exclusivity of a hot air balloon flight requires special attention. The flight is strictly linked to the weather conditions. It is possible that the flight may be canceled at any time, even up to a short time before take-off, if the pilot finds a changed weather condition that is not suitable for the continuation of the activity. For group or shared flights, TorreNera balloon reserves the right to change the flight date if the minimum number of participants is not reached.
  4. In the event of a flight cancellation due to the weather or for other reasons related to flight safety, new dates will be proposed. Any transport, board and lodging expenses will not be reimbursed.
  5. In the event of suspension of flights for reasons of force majeure, the validity of the ticket will be extended for a period equivalent to the period of suspension. TorreNera balloon will not be responsible for any economic loss or damage caused by this suspension.
  6. The gift coupon will never be refunded, except in the following cases:

° Withdrawal within ten days of purchase if a flight date has not yet been booked (point 2)

° In the case of a medical certificate certifying unfitness to fly for the remaining period of validity of the same.

° If the buyer does not reside in Italy.

The refund will only be paid to the person who purchased the coupon.

9.1. For gift coupons purchased on partner sites other than www.torreneraballoon.com, refer to the cancellation/refund policy of the partner site or agency. TorreNera balloon is exempt from any responsibility.

  1. The ticket will never be refunded, except in the following cases:

° In the case of a medical certificate certifying unfitness to fly for the residual duration of its validity.

° If the buyer does not reside in Italy.

10.1. For tickets purchased on partner sites other than www.torreneraballoon.com, refer to the cancellation/refund policy of the partner site or agency. TorreNera balloon is exempt from any responsibility.

10.2. A deduction equal to 20% of the cost of the gift coupon/ticket will be applied to all refunds for general expenses incurred by us, except for the withdrawal governed by point 2.

  1. TorreNera balloon reserves the right to entrust the execution of some flights to other operators, holders of a regular ENAC license, who have a collaboration contract with us. Also in this case the same "Terms and Conditions" will always apply.
  2. In case of pregnancy, the gift coupon or ticket will be issued an 18-month validity extension upon formal communication certifying its real condition.
  3. TorreNera balloon has insurance coverage for air carriers pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 785/2004 and of Regulation (EU) No. 285/2010 for each passenger in the event of death and/or personal injury. In all cases, compensation is not due or is due to a lesser extent if it is proved that the injured passenger is responsible for the damage or has contributed to it through negligence, unlawful act or omission. The right to compensation for damages is prescribed within two years starting from the day of the flight.
  4. TorreNera balloon is relieved of any liability for material damage to cameras, video cameras, mobile phones or other personal items taken in flight. It is also relieved of any responsibility for any damage caused to the car or to objects inside it during the period in which it will remain parked at the meeting point during the flight.

Obligations of the buyer towards TorreNera balloon

  1. The gift coupon is valid for two (2) years from the date of purchase. If a date is not booked within this period of time, the gift coupon will no longer be valid and the user loses all right to use it. A gift coupon that has expired for no more than thirty days can be reactivated for another six months by paying an amount of €50 per person. A gift coupon that has expired for more than thirty days can be reactivated for another six months by paying an amount of €100 per person.
  2. It will be possible to change or cancel the reservation by calling and sending an e-mail up to five days before the flight to TorreNera balloon. Flight cancellation messages left on our answering machine will not be considered valid.
  3. If the terms for changing the reservation set out in point 16 are not respected or the passengers do not show up on time at the meeting point for the flight, any right to use the gift coupon will cease and no refunds will be provided. The gift coupon can only be reactivated by paying a penalty of €100 per person.

General rules

  1. Balloon flying, like any other sport, hobby or activity, comes with a small amount of risk. By purchasing a gift coupon or taking part in a flight, the buyer is aware of the risks and accepts them. The flight, on every occasion, will be under the control and supervision of a pilot certified by the National Aviation Authority (ENAC) who will undertake to make the flight as safe and pleasant as possible.
  2. As we are not required to evaluate the psychophysical conditions of our passengers, we will rely on their seriousness and common sense, except in cases of evident unsuitability. For your own safety and that of other passengers, it is essential to ensure that you are in good physical condition to participate in the flight. Here are the limitations.

They can't fly :

  1. Pregnant women
  2. Those who have suffered injuries and/or operations that limit their walking.
  3. Whoever is unable to maintain the correct support position during landing (flex the knees while holding onto the handles anchored along the edge of the carrycot).
  4. Whoever is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

In case of doubts, we suggest you consult your doctor who will be able to verify your suitability to fly compatibly with your state of health and your ability to walk.

  1. The pilot, as required by the Navigation Code, has the possibility and responsibility to exclude from the flight any passenger who, according to his opinion, could represent a risk for himself, for the safety of the flight or for safety of the other passengers. In this case you will not be entitled to any refund.
  2. Only children who have reached the age of 8 and who are at least 130 cm tall can take part in our flights. A teenager under 16 must always fly accompanied by an adult. From 16 -18 years old must have an authorization signed by a parent or guardian.
  3. It is mandatory to wear appropriate clothing and footwear as indicated on our site.
  4. Persons weighing more than 115 kg are required to pay a surcharge of 50% of the fare.
  5. Smoking is prohibited within a radius of 50 meters of the balloon during inflation and deflation and throughout the flight.
  6. Dangerous goods, ammunition and weapons are not allowed on board.
  7. TorreNera balloon reserves the right to modify the section relating to "Terms and Conditions" at any time without the obligation to inform the public in advance.
  8. The buyer agrees to the processing of personal data for internal administration and accounting purposes and for insurance reasons.
  9. Acts of verbal or physical violence towards the crew and other passengers will not be tolerated. If the smooth running of the business is not guaranteed due to your behavior or that of your companions TorreNera balloon reserves the right to immediately cancel your ticket (with or without refund).
  10. The competent court for any dispute is Rome.